Thursday, October 25, 2012

life goes on

robert frost
day twenty four- something you've learned

I'm awkward
I laugh a lot
I trust people I shouldn't
I'm quiet at times
I smile too much
I get left out
I like to be able to be myself
I try to look pretty, but give up too often
I've been hurt more than I should have
I don't like my appearance at times
I'm not perfect

But I've learned that I'm just going to be me and see where life takes me, and remember that life goes on,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

actors are better than you

day twenty three- movies you quote the most

you know those people who don't stop quoting movies, and you think the whole time... 

yeah, i'm definitely NOT one of those. 
like really, I kind of hate them.
not really, but in the moment I do.

movies are awesome;
nothing better than cuddling under a blanket watching a movie.
I love them.

but the actors say the lines perfectly,
I don't need to hear them from you either :)

partly, my hatred stems from jealousy.
I can't remember quotes for the life of me.

but it's obnoxious. 
kind of like this post.
I'm a wee bit tired of this "blog challenge"
that's why I do multiple posts in a night.
or I just don't post for a month..
both seem to work beautifully

i need a fortune teller

day twenty two- what do you want your future to be like

I seem to have no idea what my future is going to look like...

I started BYU two months ago positive that Psychology was my career.
psssh. I couldn't be over that any sooner.
so now, i change every day...
i need to work with people, and i need to help them.
[it says so in my Patriarchal Blessing...that's kind of important]
today I though about being a dietitian. (except that word is really hard to spell)
but then, someone told me about being a ultra-sound technician.
$$$ in the bank. and only 5 years total of school...

really, all that i want is someone to tell me what to do. 

other than that?

i'm a joke.

- I want to travel the world, is that too much to ask?
- I want to be rich so I can wear nothing but Nordstrom clothes 7 days of the week.
each day with a different pair of boots of course.
well, and i have to be rich to travel the world...
- I do want children, like a lot. being a mother would and will be the greatest joy in my life.
however... i am 18. I want to live my life before marriage and children and all that accompanies them.
- that being said, I will be married. but no sooner than 23. well, that's kind of a stretch, because if i meet "Mr. perfect" i will obviously adjust my ways.
buttttt , i am so dang picky, I don't know if Mr. perfect will ever come my way.
I need to take care of that.
- also, now this whole "sisters, you can go on a mission at age 19"
welp, that'll throw you for a loop. Where did that come from? (other than the Lord of course)
-here's another: to try out for cheer or to give it up?
am I over my dream? sometimes i feel like I am. but then I tumble in front of people, and yell crowd encouragements at games...
i don't think i'm over it yet.
so this poses a conflict- do I serve a mission, or do I try out for cheer?

I feel like my 3 favorite words of lately have been, "I DON'T KNOW"

so RIGHT now, I am taking a new motto. Thank you Kung Fu Panda for your infinite wisdom.

"Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present"

I'm going to love my life, and be prepared for whatever the Lord bestows upon me.
and that my friends, should be a good future.

Monday, October 22, 2012

home is where the heart is

day twenty one- something you're proud of


I am proud of my house.
[write me: 2126 n 170 W #249
Provo, UT 84604]

seriously, don't be too jealous that yours doesn't look like this:

 yes, we made this board. It has cork, chalk, magnetic, && white board.
people are supposed to leave us cute notes
they never do
 we are feelin' festive, of course
we're cute, we know.
[we also know correct grammar]
don't judge us [me]
i'm the one who wrote the quote....

yes, we handmade these pillows.

my room has the exact same decorations as my old room.
[minus the bedding.. i made it]
It's like bringing apart of my home to my new house.

I love this place, every day it feels a little more like home.
come visit me//visitors are greatly appreciated.

what if's.

day twenty- something you wonder "what if" about

I SERIOUSLY am the world's worst blogger:

this blog challenge was supposed to be 30 days//it's been spanned across like 30 months. okay, not really. but something close to that. like 3 times 30 days or something.
don't judge me.

whoever said that high school is the best time of their life NEVER WENT TO COLLEGE.
It's the hardest thing I've ever done. I fail tests, and average about 5 hours of sleep at night. but it's better than anything else i have ever experienced.

Now, what I wonder what if about?

nothing.  I could not be more blessed right now. I love who I am becoming, and I never thought I would say that.
I am so grateful about what's going on in my life right now, i don't need to wonder about what could have been's and what if's.
I can now see God's hand in my life more clearly than I ever have been able to before, and boy, am I grateful He knew what i needed more than I did.  
The church is true.
I have never been so sure of that in my entire life.
Christ knows ME.
and He knows you, and loves us.
boy, I love BYU and the things it's taught me.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

when you wish upon a star...

day nineteen- what you wish for at 11:11

there are a lot of things i wish for:

i wish i could fly.
i wish i was rich.
i wish i was taller, skinnnier, prettier.
i wish i could sing.
i wish i was smarter.
i wish i had a boyfriend (some days)
i wish i had a mini cooper//cream, convertable, black pinstripe down the middle.
i wish i could eat an entire bag of oreos everyday, and still be healthy.
i wish i butter was good for me.

but as i am growing up, i'm realizing that "a poptart a day keeps the hot body away"
i am never going to be exactly whta i wish i was..
i can't sing
i can't even look at an oreo without gaining weight,
i'm not rich,
and i can't fly.
but i'm happy

all i can do is hope and pray and have faith in my Savior that i am doing the best that i can, and hopefully I can become the best me there is.
no 11:11 wish is going to do that for me,
i have to do it with the help of my Lord, my family, and the people who care about me.