Tuesday, December 20, 2011

miracles happen: & not just once in awhile.

2011 has been a year full of
  • sorrow
  • tears
  • devastation
  • and a lack of hope.

but these past few weeks, i have learned that miracles happen. i have witnessed my saviors hand in my life. something i didn't think would happen this past year.

my cousin, Will Jacobs, is a loving 12 year old boy who had a bright future ahead of him. On August 28th, he was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme, a very rare, aggressive brain tumor. Will underwent surgery to remove the tumor on August 29th. and has since, had 4 other surgeries.
The doctors gave him a 1% chance to live.

he is now at home, spending Christmas with his family.

my grandpa, paca max was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer on May 5. he was given 6 months to live. he went through chemo, battled his lung filled with fluid, and cease of strength, but he has not given up. his goal was to make it long enough to see my brother come home from a mission.

my brother gets home tomorrow, and is flying out to see him on the Monday after Christmas.

beginning of August, i tore my ACL, MCL, and Meniscus. any dream i had of trying out for BYU was crushed, as i was out for 6 months.

it is now 3 months later since surgery, and i have already begun stunting. something i never thought possible.

beginning of August, my little brother broke his arm. right in half. any hope he had of being quarter back of his 8th grade A team was gone.

a few weeks later, he was playing for the championship game.

and so you see, life is hard.
but a whole lot of learning came my way from it:

trials happen, and you have to learn to put on your game face and be strong.
you have to love everything if you want to make it through the tough, because without love, we haven't learned anything.
patience. patience is the  key to healing.
without faith, you might as well give up now, because you will never pass the test without it.

and so i conclude, by beginning a new chapter in my life.

i believe in miracles.

Monday, December 12, 2011

the count down begins...

&& let the countdown begin.

4 days: Christmas break begins.
science project due.

6 days: I will get cleared to begin stunting again.

  9 days: Elder Jordon Edwards arrives home
after serving in Antofagasta, Chile.

13 days: the beloved Christmas.

December is getting juicy, and it is getting good.
all we need now is...
perhaps a little snow?

Monday, November 28, 2011

newsflash: iphones and toilets don't mix well.

it's Thursday, and i'm running to the bathroom inbetween chemistry and gov/cit.
(of course, my phone happened to be in my pocket; something that never, ever happens.)
i won't go into detail, but  next thing i know. PLOP. i flip a 180 as fast as possible, and my worst dream just came true.
my brand new iphone was resting in the toilet.
i reached in and wiped that sucker off. i press the home button praying it would work. and to much astonishment. it worked.
not a single problem. none. nada. zelch.
i was ecstatic, and didn't think twice about putting my phone in rice like a smart person.
so i continue on with my day, and start  my weekend of right.
saturday morning rolls around, and my phone isn't turning on.
i stick it in rice for the day. and nothing.
it's dead. long gone and moved on..
i went to the verizon store, and there was nothing they could do about it. i could buy a new one for $600, but i don't evn have that much saved up in my savings account. and so here i am now with no phone, and no money to buy one.

anyone got a phone i can have?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

anything > byu application, homework, & projects.

becoming a senior seems like the greatest thing in the whole world.

news flash.

it's not. unless college applications, scholarship essay's, finding motivation to do the simplest homework, having less than 6 hours a sleep a night because you procrastinate your homework, etc sounds appealing to you. but trust me. senior year is not all it's cracked up to be.

I am literally SWIMMING in things to do.

  • finish BYU application (which i started 2 weeks ago)
  • study for my Calculus test which I have to take early because I'm going to Missouri for thanksgiving.
  • finish my Calculus homework
  • read my book for Book Club in AP english
  • make & complete my Chemistry project
  • write my essay for English.
doesn't my life sound wonderful? you are welcome to have it for awhile. if I ever offer any intelligent advice it would be this: DON'T TAKE A FULL SCHEDULE YOUR SENIOR YEAR. period.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

something new.

My whole life, I have envied those who blogged. They were witty, creative, and had such an interesing life. I didn't think I could ever become a blogger, and here I am.
I can promise you, I am none of those things, but I am here, and I am now blogging.
So welcome to my life, I hope you enjoy.