Tuesday, June 19, 2012

it's a new day..

today i woke up,
and i worked out.
today i am happier with myself.
today is going to be a better day.
today these pictures woke me up, and have now inspired me.

Monday, June 18, 2012

time will heal?

i thought time was going to heal..
but in all reality, it's just made things worse.
i try and try to feel better,but i am reminded everyday, that i'm simply not good enough.
i don't want to live like this anymore.

if time isn't going to heal me,
i need to find something.
i lost tons of weight before i tried out,
and somehow have managed to put it ALL back on..
food isn't going to make me feel better,
i just don't know what will.
but today i vow, i'm going to try to find what will...
i am strong enough to realize that it isn't going to happen over night.
it's going to take time.
but i, have nothing but time.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


i feel as if my life needs no blog to update.
it's summer.
i work everyday.
i went camping.
i came home FRIED.

wanna see?

summer 2012. it's been rockin'.
but let's get real.
18 & graduated living at  home?
i'm sick of being told what to do.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

class of 2012

yup. i did it.
it took a long time//and many lonely weekends later.
i graduated.

i couldn't be more thrilled to see what life has in store for me.
come at me world.
i'm ready!