Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I'm 95% only posting because it's 12.12.12.
the other 5% 
is because my brain 
has reached it's capacity for the moment...
who's sick of seeing status' about it?
I kind of am, but in all reality... it's really cool!
It only happens every 100 years and I (we) got to witness all 12 of the repeated days.

aren't we special. (whoopty doo)

here's the 95% reason:

and here is the 5% reason:
one more final and I am officially done with my first semester as a cougar freshman.
I would consider it a highly successful semester.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

finals week

three words:

first. finals. week.

BAH! That's all I can think! I am fetchin' nervous... I just don't know what to expect!
How much do I study? How hard are they going to be? What if I fail? WHAT IF I'M STUPID?

clearly, I'm freaking out.
so for everyone else who is experiencing these feelings, let me make things better:

watch this: a smile will emerge, I promise.

look at these. they are oh so true. 

wish me luck. && now, I need to stop procrastinating studying... AND SO DO YOU! :)

xoxo jos