Monday, March 11, 2013

this city never sleeps at night

day 5: a song that is often stuck in my head...
I have a strong testimony of Imagine Dragons--I definitely jumped on that bandwagon. I will admit it..
anyway, this song became realllll popular right? I mean on the radio every time i get in a car.
So i guess it makes sense why this song is always on repeat in my mind..
It's not my favorite Imagine Dragon song, but it's still a good one!


  1. I love Imagine Dragons! ( I don't know if I'm allowed to say that, since I've only ever listened to three songs of theirs. Three songs I'm obsessed with though!)
    I haven't heard this one yet. I'd listen now, but the boyfriend is asleep next to me, so I'll have to come back and visit your blog soon so I can have a listen. :)
    I just came across your blog, by the way, and I'm in love with it! Just wanted you to know. You have an amazing blog, and great writing style!

    The Girly Gamer

    1. Well thank you very much :) you definitely made my day! & YES! their entire album is awesome--you got to check it out!
