Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2nd chances

welp. here's to my second semester here at the one and only, BYU.

12-writing 150
freshman writing--the most dreaded class across the U S of A. I feel like I'll do okay, except my wannabe "master" (he has his masters and is waiting to be accepted into PhD programs) might be my best friend or worst enemy. 
I haven't decided yet.
1-physical science 100
my auntie Anja told me this is the worst class at BYU. And here I am, taking it. My professor is a GOOFBALL. but I am going to love him. I'm real excited actually

9-biology 100
kind of early. 300+ people. Stuttering professor whom I kinda have a secret crush just because he's a cute man (in a 45+ years old way). It'll be a hoot; that's my best explanation
12-Book of Mormon part 2
My professor is easily going to be my favorite religion professor/teacher/leader EVER. I've already had so much insight and inspiration about the scriptures, and I've had one class.
1-LDS Marriage and Family
Before you mock me, I know this is 110% a BYU class. I get it. But this professor is actually from my home stake, Brother Dorius, and I am so pumped about this class! It's going to be really insightful, and if I ever do get married (I don't plan to for a looooong time) I'm sure all of this information will be very useful :)

repeat of Monday until...
2-physical science lab
today we had a sub lab. 7 words.
I'm glad she isn't my real TA.

repeat (shawty's like a melody in my head that I can't get out got me singing like... la la la la everydaaay, like my ipod's stuck on replay, repllayaay)

repeat the Monday

I'm excited to start my second semester.
I feel like I know what to expect and that I will have fun as well as learn a lot.

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