Monday, February 18, 2013

as easy as 1-2-3

Be "ABC's"
I have approximately three memories from kindergarten:
1// I always tried to kiss a certain boy, and my friend Capri (yes, that was her name) and I would alternate going under the table and the boy always went under when Capri did...not me.
2// I had the stinking cutest perm there ever was.
3// I learned the abc's.

when I was taught the alphabet, the letters were always compared to apple or banana, but never adorable or brilliant. (I guess the words vivacious & zealous are harder to remember than van & zebra, but that's beside the point.)
I was taught the abc's, but I wasn't taught to be the abc's.
I have grown up since kindergarten, except boys still don't choose me... so not much has changed...
but I have. and throughout the 13 years that have passed, I wish I was more like the alphabet..
-quiet: so I could listen to people and the world around me more..
-spontaneous: because I wish I had funner stories from high school.
-joyful: I spent so many nights upset because I didn't have "friends" or a "boyfriend". Who cares?
-original: I'm different in many aspects...I wish I would have embraced that more growing up rather than trying to mold myself into being something i'm not.
-watchful: along with quiet, I wish I was more aware of people who are hurting so I could have tried to help them.
-impressive: people don't remember me. and if they do it isn't because I changed their lives. I wish I tried to make a bigger impact on people's lives.
-good heart-ed: I feel like I have a good heart. but it could be good-er :)

but i'm still young...I'm still learning. so surely learning how to be the alphabet is still a possibility :)