Friday, March 8, 2013


I've gotten to the point where this week I went to bed at/before midnight 4 times this week. that's a record.
I don't know if it's because I am getting stuff done, or if I just don't care anymore.
I think it's the latter...

well seeing that I already screwed up my 25 song challenge (I didn't post yesterday)....
I don't know why I continually try to do these, maybe cause they are fun? Anyway,
day 2:
a song that reminds you of your most recent ex-boyfriend...
hmm, well seeing that I am not savvy with the whole boyfriend thing...
I guess I'll just post about my "boyfriend" that I had my sophomore year.
he was fun & cute & I really liked him... except he lived in St. George. the whole long-distance thing? yeah. not worth it.

but we talked on the phone all the days and we loved to share our favorite music and artists. 
this is a fun song that I actually haven't heard or thought about for a long time.
i guess that's the fun of this challenge

Shine by Morning Of


  1. St. George and I miss you Jos!! I wanna see you soooonn!!! Love you!

    1. i love you more!!!! and please, let's do something-ASAP

    2. YOU WENT TO ST GEORGE. I am so beyond jealous right now!! Be safe!
