Saturday, March 17, 2012

senior year lessons

Although my senior year has not been all I thought it would,
I have learned multiple lessons.

  1. My parents are my best friends. They brought me into this life, and have been here every step of my horrible senior year.
  2. People change. Best friends disappear. Stay true to who you are, keep your mind open and you may be surprised at who comes into your life.
  3. Growing up is a necessity. The drama that happens now will not matter in a year. I promise, the sooner you grow up, the better the chances of a dramatic free life becomes.
  4. Missing a dance party on a Friday night so you can watch a movie with your family is okay. No one likes trampy girls.
  5. Boys like younger girls. It's high school culture to go for the fresh meat. Or juniors. hmm. I've gotten over it. Bring on the BYU boys!!
  6. Life goes on even if you don't get asked to a boy choice dance. So what if you don't go to Sweethearts? Going shopping with your mom, and bowling with your older brother is so much better.
  7. AVOID Pinterest until ALL homework is done. Self-explanitory.
  8. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Tearing my ACL and Meniscus was NOT part of my plan for my senior year. But everything happens for a reason. If you remember that, life will be easy... easier.
I've learned that I'll be okay. I get through the day, do my homework, and chat with my parents. There is nothing wrong with that.


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